Wednesday 5 May 2010

Wonderful Scenery on a Beautiful Day

We went to the Heights of Abraham at Matlock Bath last Saturday and it was really great. We started our journey with a spectacular cable car ride to the hill top. The scenery was magnificient from top. There were two caverns which once were rich with minerals. It was cold inside the caverns. Can you imagine how the miners used to collect the mineral with just one single candle lighted up in the dark cave? Apart from Abraham Height, there were some other places to be explored too such as lovers' walk, high tor, pic tor and some gardens. Due to time limit we could only explore lovers' walk and one of the gardens.

After we came down from the top, we went for dinner at a local pub restaurant. The food was... hmmm.... not too bad... ;) Allthough it was a long walk ,it was really worth it. Here are some photos to share..

Ohya, not forgetting the ice-cream, it was really yummyyy... :)


HuShPuppies said...

YOur blog is like a chef's blog full of secret recipe! Think you improve a lot in cooking. Hahaha

YoghurtPudding said...

Not a secret recipe lar.. How are u?? Long time didn't hear from u.